We also went swimming one day.....the water was around 68 degrees! So cold but also so fun to be in a lake that's surrounding by mountains. I tried not to think about how cold I was!!

We hiked one of the mountains, Rocky Point, while we were there and the view was amazing! It was only a 1/2 mile hike and it was worth it!
The most exciting thing that happened though is that I almost came face to face with a bear!! Jackie and I were attempting to make a fire the first night we were there when we heard leaves crunching. It sounded like someone was walking around down the hill from us. So Jackie went in to grab a flashlight. When she did, I heard something coming straight up the hill towards our fire! I called for Jackie and she told me to come up to the deck. As soon as I got there 10 seconds later, we shined the flashlight where I had been sitting and there was a bear!! He was just sniffing around our fire! So we went inside and opened a window to listen to him walk around for a while longer and then just wander off. It was crazy!! The evidence of his path to get to us is documented below:
The sunset we saw one night had to be in the top 5 sunsets I've ever seen! My trip was overall relaxing and enjoyable. The Adirondacks is a great place to go for people who enjoy nature and spending time outdoors.
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