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Showing posts from 2011

Potato Blossom Festival- Fort Fairfield, Maine

For the weekend of July 15-17 of this year I was able to experience the Maine Potato Blossom Festival! It was so much fun!! There were all of your typical festival activities like crafts, festival food carts, a 5K race, and a parade, but there were also events that I hadn't seen before like a human chess game (I was the white queen!) and a canoe race (couldn't take my camera along because the Saunders boys would have soak it). I was only able to take pictures during the parade but hopefully this gives you a snapshot of all of the fun that the festival had in store for us! The Saunders family loves watching the parade! There were tractors galore!! The governor of Maine, Paul LePage and a senator, Olympia Snowe walked in the parade! (In this picture, the governor had just darted to the left to shake more hands) and yes he shook my hand too! Matt wasn't as lucky :( But those clowns loved Matt! You can let that he was loving this picture too!! I liked this ne...

Strawberry Picking in Maine

In the small rural town of Athens, Maine- Josh, his mom and I picked a flat of strawberries one July afternoon. We visited Sites Farm which is a cute little family owned farm and the most beautiful scenery! We were told which row to pick on and given a few containers to hold strawberries and started picking! Josh was a good picker because he picked strawberries at a local farm when he was in high school. I tried my best and pretended to know what I was doing the whole time. The strawberries were so cute!! The smaller ones were the best because the bigger ones were usually laying out the ground and had started rotting. I started a system to where I would "sample" one and then pick a few and then "sample" was a good system! This is one of the many cartons I filled with fresh strawberries!! Josh and I were so proud of our pickings!! Josh's mom and grandma ended up making strawberry shortcake with these strawberries a few days later which was so deli...

Table Rock State Park hiking

On July 9th, my parents, my sister Hanna, Josh and I went to Table Rock State Park in Pickens, SC. This was only around a 2 hour drive from my hometown of Elberton, GA so it's a close park to do some great hiking! At the beginning/end of the trails, there was a wonderful place to wade in the mountain stream and play in the small waterfalls! It was empty when we started around 8 am but when we finished several hours later, this spot was packed with children and families trying to keep cool from the summer heat! Josh took tons of pictures! He's a great photographer!! We decided to hike the Table Rock Trail which was described as being "highly strenuous" :) It was difficult at times especially when climbing over huge boulders but it was manageable for our entire group! I always think the view...

Atlanta Braves Game

On July 6th, my family, Josh and I went to a Braves game in Turner Field versus the Colorado Rockies. It was a great experience as usual in Turner Field! We had great seats in center field and were able to watch the Braves beat the Rockies 9-1. This was their 9,997th all-time win!! Watching baseball games are such a great idea for families during the summer!!